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On-Page SEO: What it is and how to do it

On-page SEO | 
All actions that are performed on a website, online store, or blog with the aim of improving its web positioning are considered within the SEO on page. From improving the loading speed or improving the quality of the content, to adapting the content to mobile devices and offering a good web usability, these types of techniques have a direct impact on the position of a website in Google’s results pages.
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What is on Page SEO?

The SEO on-page or SEO within a page are all actions to improve a website for search engines that can be performed on the site itself. Among the internal factors that influence the positioning of a website in Google are the content, structure, keywords, loading speed and design for mobile devices, among others.

How to do SEO On Page on a website

In on-page SEO there are many variables and criteria to handle to perform a good optimization to achieve better results in the Google SERPs.

Let’s see some of the key factors to perform SEO on page:


The keyword is used to make it easier for users and Google to better understand the meaning and subject matter of the content. That is why it is important to include keywords in prominent places that facilitate reading and access to information, as well as related words that increase the richness and quality of the content.

For example, when writing an article about the Spanish soccer league it is important to include important related keywords such as “Real Madrid”, “F.C.Barcelona”, “league title” or “Spanish soccer league”, for example.

Meta tags and headers

The meta HTML tags such as the title and description are very important to optimize, because from them Google takes the content it displays in the results pages. Especially the description tag is fundamental to increase the CTR, drawing the users’ attention to the rest of the alternatives in the SERPs.

H1, H2 and H3 headings are essential to correctly structure the content and make it easier for users and Googlebots to understand. Including keywords and keyword variations in the headings is a good SEO practice.

Loading speed

One of the most important SEO tasks today is to optimize the loading speed of a website to offer the best user experience. If a website loads fast, the bounce rate is reduced and the time spent by users is increased, increasing the chances of conversion (purchase or subscription).

Different techniques can be applied to improve the loading speed:

  • Optimize the images (compressed formats, reduce the resolution…).
  • Improve the web code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP…).
  • Select a fast hosting.
  • Enable caching.

Other interesting SEO techniques

Let’s take a look at some SEO techniques that give good results to optimize a website for search engine ranking.

  • Use the ALT attribute of images to get them ranked in image searches.
  • Shorten URLs and use text in them according to the content to which they link.
  • Use breadcrumbs to give users always an alternative navigation.
  • Betting for a vertical or silo-like structure to improve the user experience, facilitate crawling by Googlebots and avoid content cannibalization.
  • Search for positioning by long tail keywords or long tails (easier to position).

The SEO on page is composed of several techniques and actions specially focused on optimizing a website so that it can improve its position in Google. A good SEO on page strategy must guarantee the best user experience, making Google favor the positioning of that site.