The alternative SEO rank tracker

Keyword suggestion tool

Improve your SEO strategy thanks to our keyword suggestion tool.

Find keywords which are already well positioned for your website and know their exact position in Google.

Tool for discovering new keywords to improve your SEO strategy

Do you know which are the keywords for which your website is positioning in Google? Do you know the traffic that these keywords bring to your website?

Do you want to discover keyword opportunities to improve your content and rank better?

In TrueRanker we offer you the tool you need. We give you all the information of the keywords you are positioning so you can monitor their changes over time.

TrueRanker Dashboard
Herramienta de palabras clave de TrueRanker

How does TrueRanker keyword suggestions work?

1. Add new project

Create a project with your domain URL

Choose a project name and enter the domain of your website. Select the main country where you rank or where you want to rank your business.
2. Get the suggested keywords

Click on "Keywords Suggestion" and see all the data.

TrueRanker displays a list of keywords for which your website is already well positioned. Choose the ones you are most interested in and add them to your project with a click.
3. Study the data

Discover the value of your keywords

We offer you the necessary information to know the keywords that can bring more traffic/business to your SEO strategy.
4. Know your positions

Monitor the positions of your keywords

TrueRanker checks the position of your keywords in Google on a daily basis for any location in the world.

Start NOW to improve your SEO strategy thanks to TrueRanker's keyword suggestions

Your customized keyword tool

Are you missing a tool? We can implement it for you!
Contact us and tell us what you need to improve the local SEO strategy of your business.

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Still don’t know the keywords your website is ranking for?