Download our SEO tool on your Android Smartphone
Control your business SEO strategy anywhere, anytime thanks to our Android App.
Install the app and get daily data about your domains and keywords on your phone.
How the TrueRanker Rank Tracker APP Works
Use our android app to know your Google ranking. Download for FREE the app by searching for “TrueRanker” in the Google Play store.
Monitor the positions of your keywords in a geolocalized way with our app. Choose city, province or country and control the results of your SEO strategy.
Much more than an SEO tool for Android

TrueRanker is not just any SEO application. Analyze your rankings anywhere in the world, detect cannibalization, get undetected keyword suggestions and much, much more:
Daily update
Update the Google rankings of your keywords automatically or manually (on-demand) at any time. Your keywords and your business always under control with the best Rank Tracker App.
Get the exact position in Google of your keywords by country, province and city. More than 40,000 locations at your disposal.
Is a keyword ranking for more than one URL on your website? TrueRanker alerts you to correct cannibalization problems.
Why install our SEO App in your Android device?
The goal of any website is to get traffic through the keywords that make up your industry. With our tool you will have the data and knowledge to make decisions about your SEO strategy.
Thanks to our App you will be able to know in which position is your website in distant cities or foreign countries, and all this from your own cell phone.
The SEO application to improve your positioning
TrueRanker helps hundreds of corporate websites, online stores, niche websites and large digital businesses to keep track of their keyword positions in Google.
TrueRanker is the Android Rank Tracker you need to get more web traffic for your project.
We are in continuous development to offer you the best mobile app to have the SEO of your projects under control.